I have yet to figure out who exactly is the 21st century man. I am perplexed at understanding men these days. I've heard talk of men being so simple. Guys like one thing right? Nope, they really don't. I feel that currently men have the attention span of a walnut. Women, on the other hand, are vastly becoming more educated, successful, and all that blady blah. As we women become a mixed bag of intelligence, beauty, and charisma...the 21st century man doesn't know how to deal with us!
These men now have questions...
Does she want a relationship? What is a modern relationship? Should I be a student, father, businessman? What if women don't want those things? Can I make a career out of what I really enjoy? Do hot chicks dig guys who play video games? Is "Just for Men" okay if you're in your twenties?
And the list goes on. Insecure isn't a word I throw around very often...but that's what so many 21st century men are becoming. Well I say grow a set...of nice cufflinks! Go for what you want. Jump into life! Date those women and work at those jobs that make you bald. Society will be a lot better off with a lot less pansys.